Thermal analysis and vibrational spectroscopic characterization of the boro silicate mineral datolite - CaBSiO4(OH).

dc.contributor.authorFrost, Ray Leslie
dc.contributor.authorXi, Yunfei
dc.contributor.authorCipriano, Ricardo Augusto Scholz
dc.contributor.authorLima, Rosa Malena Fernandes
dc.contributor.authorHorta, Laura Frota Campos
dc.contributor.authorLópez, Andrés
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this work is to determine the thermal stability and vibrational spectra of datolite CaBSiO4(OH) and relate these properties to the structure of the mineral. The thermal analysis of datolite shows a mass loss of 5.83% over a 700–775 °C temperature range. This mass loss corresponds to 1 water (H2O) molecules pfu. A quantitative chemical analysis using electron probe was undertaken. The Raman spectrum of datolite is characterized by bands at 917 and 1077 cm^-1 assigned to the symmetric stretching modes of BO and SiO tetrahedra. A very intense Raman band is observed at 3498 cm^-1 assigned to the stretching vibration of the OH units in the structure of datolite. BOH out-of-plane vibrations are characterized by the infrared band at 782 cm^-1. The vibrational spectra are based upon the structure of datolite based on sheets of four- and eight-membered rings of alternating SiO4 and BO3(OH) tetrahedra with the sheets bonded together by calcium atoms.pt_BR
dc.identifier.citationFROST, R. L. et al. Thermal analysis and vibrational spectroscopic characterization of the boro silicate mineral datolite - CaBSiO4(OH). Spectrochimica Acta. Part A, Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, v. 115, p. 376-381, 2013. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 07 out. 2014.pt_BR
dc.rights.licenseO periódico Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy concede permissão para depósito deste artigo no Repositório Institucional da UFOP. Número da licença: 3487250110168.pt_BR
dc.subjectThermal analysispt_BR
dc.subjectThermal stabilitypt_BR
dc.titleThermal analysis and vibrational spectroscopic characterization of the boro silicate mineral datolite - CaBSiO4(OH).pt_BR
dc.typeArtigo publicado em periodicopt_BR