NMDA receptors in NTS are involved in the bradycardic but not in the pressor response of chemoreflex.

dc.contributor.authorHaibara, Andréa Siqueira
dc.contributor.authorColombari, Eduardo
dc.contributor.authorChianca Júnior, Deoclécio Alves
dc.contributor.authorBonagamba, Leni Gomes Heck
dc.contributor.authorMachado, Benedito Honório
dc.description.abstractActivation of carotid chemoreceptors with intravenous potassium cyanide (KCN) produces increases in arterial pressure, bradycardia, and tachypnea. In the present study, we activated carotid chemoreceptors with KCN and the neurotransmission of the chemoreceptor reflex into the commissural nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) was blocked with phosphonovaleric acid @P-5), an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-selective antagonist. The aim of this study was to evaluate the involvement of NMDA receptors in the cardiovascular and respiratory responses produced by chemoreceptor activation in unanesthetized rats. The pressor response to KCN was not changed after microinjection of three different doses of AP-5 into the NTS, whereas the bradycardic response was reduced in a dosedependent manner. The increase in respiratory frequency in response to carotid chemoreceptor activation was also not affected by AP-5 microinjected into the NTS. The data indicate that the activation of the cardiovagal component of the chemoreflex in the commissural NTS is mediated by NMDA receptors, whereas pressor and ventilatory responses are not.pt_BR
dc.identifier.citationHAIBARA, A. S. et al. NMDA receptors in NTS are involved in the bradycardic but not in the pressor response of chemoreflex. American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology , v. 38, n.269, p. H1421-H1427, 1995. Disponível em: <http://ajpheart.physiology.org/content/269/4/H1421.long>. Acesso em: 19 fev. 2017.pt_BR
dc.subjectExcitatory amino acidpt_BR
dc.subjectphosphonovaleric acidpt_BR
dc.subjectCardiovascular regulationpt_BR
dc.subjectHeart rate controlpt_BR
dc.titleNMDA receptors in NTS are involved in the bradycardic but not in the pressor response of chemoreflex.pt_BR
dc.typeArtigo publicado em periodicopt_BR