Silva, Hellen Abreu daCarraro, Júlia Cristina CardosoBressan, JosefinaHermsdorff, Helen Hermana Miranda2017-10-252017-10-252015SILVA, H. A. da et al. Relation between uric acid and metabolic syndrome in subjects with cardiometabolic risk. Einstein, v. 13, n. 2, p. 202-208, 2015. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 29 ago. 2017.2317-6385 To identify possible relations between serum uric acid levels and metabolic syndrome and its components in a population with cardiometabolic risk. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 80 subjects (46 women), with mean age of 48±16 years, seen at the Cardiovascular Health Program. Results: The prevalence of hyperuricemia and metabolic syndrome was 6.3% and 47.1%, respectively. Uric acid level was significantly higher in individuals with metabolic syndrome (5.1±1.6mg/dL), as compared to those with no syndrome or with pre-syndrome (3.9±1.2 and 4.1±1.3mg/dL, respectively; p<0.05). The uric acid levels were significantly higher in men presenting abdominal obesity, and among women with abdominal obesity, lower HDL-c levels and higher blood pressure (p<0.05). Conclusion: Uric acid concentrations were positively related to the occurrence of metabolic syndrome and its components, and there were differences between genders. Our results indicate serum uric acid as a potential biomarker for patients with cardiometabolic risk.en-USabertoUric acidAbdominal obesityMetabolic diseasesCardiovascular diseases/metabolismRelation between uric acid and metabolic syndrome in subjects with cardiometabolic risk.Relação entre ácido úrico e síndrome metabólica em uma população com risco cardiometabólico.Artigo publicado em periodicoOs trabalhos publicados no periódico Revista Einstein, exceto onde identificado, estão sob uma licença Creative Commons que permite copiar, distribuir e transmitir o trabalho desde que sejam citados o autor e o licenciante. Fonte: Revista Einstein <>. Acesso em: 17 fev. 2020.