Araújo, Hugo FonsecaMoreira, Carlos Gustavo2022-09-152022-09-152021ARAÚJO, H.; MOREIRA, C. G. Stable intersections of conformal cantor sets. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 2021. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 29 abr. 2022.1469-4417 investigate stable intersections of conformal Cantor sets and their consequences to dynamical systems. First we define this type of Cantor set and relate it to horseshoes appearing in automor- phisms of C2 . Then we study limit geometries, objects related to the asymptotic shape of the Cantor sets, to obtain a criterion that guarantees stable intersection between some configurations. Finally we show that the Buzzard construction of a Newhouse region on Aut(C2 ) can be seem as a case of stable intersection of Cantor sets in our sense and give some (not optimal) estimative on how “thick” those sets have to be.en-USrestritoStable intersections of conformal cantor sets.Artigo publicado em periodico