Veloso, Tácia CostaPeixoto, Johne Jesus MolPereira, Márcio SalgadoLeão, Versiane Albis2016-08-092016-08-092016VELOSO, T. C. et al. Kinetics of chalcopyrite leaching in either ferric sulphate or cupric sulphate media in the presence of NaCl. International Journal of Mineral Processing, v. 148, p. 147-154, 2016. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 11 jul. 2016.0301-7516 shrinking core model (SCM) has been extensively applied in the kinetics analysis of particulate systems. This is because in its classical form it is one of the simplestmodels developed for fluid–solid reactions. However, it requires single-sized solid grains failing to describe the leaching kinetics for broad particle size distributions (PSDs). The current investigation successfully applied an extension of the SCM to the leaching of chalcopyrite with a broad PSD in a mixed chloride–sulphate solution. Such a medium was selected because there is renewed attention to leaching in mixed systems due to the increasing utilization of saline waters in both leaching and bioleaching of sulphide ores. Moreover, chloride is a catalyst of chalcopyrite leaching. Specifically, the effects of temperature (70 °C to 90 °C) and reagent (Fe3+, Cu2+ and Cl−) concentrations on the leaching kinetics were determined. The results showed that chalcopyrite leaching was faster with Cu2+ (larger rate constant) than with Fe3+, but the activation energy was similar in both cases with 66.6 kJ/mol for 0.5 mol/L of Cu2+ and 66.8 kJ/mol with 1.0 mol/L Fe3+.en-USabertoChalcopyriteChloride leachingActivation energyShrinking core modelParticle size distributionKinetics of chalcopyrite leaching in either ferric sulphate or cupric sulphate media in the presence of NaCl.Artigo publicado em periodicoO periódico International Journal of Mineral Processing concede permissão para depósito deste artigo no Repositório Institucional da UFOP. Número da licença: 3914200113639.