Barros, Thiago de SousaCárdenas, JuliánSilva, Wesley Mendes da2021-07-062021-07-062020BARROS, T. de S.; CÁRDENAS, J.; SILVA, W. M. da. The efect of interlocking directorates on mergers and acquisitions in Brazil. The Journal of Management and Governance, set. 2020. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 24 maio 2021.1572-963X study investigates the efect of interlocking directorates on national and inter national mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in Brazil. Based on a sample of 153 large Brazilian frms in a time series (2000–2015), and using network techniques and regression analysis, this study addresses the hypothesis: board interlocking reduces the asymmetry of information in M&A, leading companies with a greater number of ties (degree centrality) to be more likely to participate in M&A. The results show that frms that have a larger number of ties with other frms through board interlocks (higher degree centrality) are more likely to perform M&A. Other network meas ures (closeness, eigenvector, betweenness, and structural holes) have no signifcant impact on the likelihood to participate in M&A. This study examines the impact of board interlocking on frms’ propensity to undertake M&A while controlling for fnancial, corporate governance, and country-level governance variables in the explanatory model. This paper also contributes by identifying the determinants of M&A performed by companies headquartered in emerging countries such as Brazil, a major participant in M&A processes at the international level.en-USrestritoCountry-level governanceRegression analysisThe efect of interlocking directorates on mergers and acquisitions in Brazil.Artigo publicado em periodico