Marliére, Cláudia AparecidaPimenta, Regiane Cristina JardimCunha, Aureliano Claret da2015-03-202015-03-202009MARLIÉRE, C. A.; PIMENTA, R. C. J.; CUNHA, A. C. Fumonisin as a risk factor to esophageal cancer: a review. Applied Cancer Research, v. 29, p. 101-104, 2009. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 08 nov. 2014.1980-5578 several types of cancer, esophageal is the sixth most common type found worldwide, with variable incidence rates that are more prevalent in Western countries and in South Central Asia. In Brazil, this neoplasm represents 2% of all malignant tumors and is the fifth leading cause of death. Brazilian estimated data demonstrated that, in 2008, the incidence of this cancer will be 7,900 cases in men and 2,650, in women, which corresponds to crude mortality rates of 8.35/100,000 and 2.72/100,000, respectively. Literature data has demonstrated several risk factors to esophageal cancer, such as: the consumption of tobacco, alcohol, hot beverages; malnutrition; obesity and gastric esophageal reflux, which causes Barrett´s esophagus. Fumonisins play significant roles in this neoplasm. Fumonisins are substances found in moldy foods, which are potential sources of nitrosamines, and are present in moldy corn. This substance was isolated in regions with high incidence of esophageal cancer in 1988, and currently is considered an important risk factor to esophageal cancer.en-USEsophageal cancerFumonisinEpidemiologyFumonisin as a risk factor to esophageal cancer : a review.Artigo publicado em periodicoO periódico Applied Cancer Research permite que o Repositório Institucional da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP) deposite uma cópia eletrônica dos artigos publicados por esse periódico em que ao menos um dos autores faça parte da comunidade cientifica da UFOP. Fonte: Licença concedida mediante preenchimento de formulário em 27 jan. 2015.