Aquino, André Luiz Lins deFigueiredo, Carlos Maurício SeródioNakamura, Eduardo FreireLoureiro, Antônio Alfredo FerreiraFernandes, Antônio OtávioCoelho Júnior, Claudionor José Nunes2012-08-032012-08-032007AQUINO, A. L. L. de et al. On the use data reduction algorithms for real-time Wireless Sensor Networks. In: IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, 2007, Aveiro. Anais... Washington: IEEE Computer Society, 2007. p.583-588. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 03 ago. 2012. work presents the design of real time applications for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) by using analgorithm based on data stream to process the sensor data. The proposed algorithm is based on sampling techniques applied to data histograms created from original data stream sac quired by sensor nodes. As a result, the algorithm provides a sample of log n item store present the original data stream of n elements. In this work, we show how to use the data reduction algorithmin real-time WSN design.en-USOn the use data reduction algorithms for real-time Wireless Sensor Networks.Trabalho apresentado em evento