Tripodi, Maria do Rosário FigueiredoDelgado, Victor Maia SennaJanuário, Eduardo2023-05-262023-05-262022TRIPODI, M. do R. F..; DELGADO, V. M. S.; JANUÁRIO, E. Affirmative action in basic education: subsidies for the FUNDEB equity measure. Educação & Sociedade, Campinas, v. 43, artigo e254823, 2022. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 01 mar. 2023.1678-4626 limits of educational universalistic policies are discussed in the sphere of educational financing, for the reduction of racial inequalities, presenting subventions to think about the creation of an index for equitable allocation of financial resources according to the perspective of the concept VAAR/FUNDEB. A principle concerning difference and corrective justice is integrated into the premises, in order to highlight the pressure of the racial attribute in the measure of equity provided for by the Law n. 14113/2020. The approach of the interpretation adopted by the paper sustains that to overcome racial inequalities in education it is required that the State takes advancement in the presupposition of equal treatment while distributing financial resources to the schools.en-USabertoInequalitiesRaceEducational indicatorsAffirmative action in basic education : subsidies for the FUNDEB equity measure.Ação afirmativa na educação básica : subsídios à medida de equidade do FUNDEB.Artigo publicado em periodicoThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0). Fonte: o PDF do artigo.